Thursday, May 20, 2010

Open a Window for Me

Open a window for me, keep your doors locked
l don't want to paint you or undress you
l want nothing but a glance into your closed eyes
l feel you , I don't have hope, nor do I desire it
I have faith in purpose, you have reached my heart from afar
You're in my thoughts, a powerful mind, I feel you, connected with mine
I see purpose, you've entered my life, It's out of our hands
I want to know you, see through your eyes
l won't hide from what reveals itself inside me
from what tints my light and sees through my existence
No sense in pretending, l acknowledge
Truth won't hurt me, stumbling upon it and looking the other way can kill
Your sweetness still perspires, It still lives
The beauty in your words is mellow, I'd like to taste that which is sweet in you
Take my love
It's infinite and warm as the smile I share with the screen in front of me
I want to hold you, look into your eyes, and understand without word exchange
I can't physically, so open your heart
And my mind will indulge in your scent
Feel the tip of my love, touching your tender petals
I can smell your flowers, feel their brightness, you're beautiful
No intentions, just a feeling, speaking through me
I look into the mirror and imagine your eyes, looking into mine
I hear you close
My heart has a home for you, stay as long as you like.

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