Saturday, October 1, 2016


Sometimes we fight
I start fighting about the past 
He'll feel blamed and withdraw
And we don't get anywhere 
We fight a lot, like every week
I'm mad at him about something 
I used to go days without talking
But now it's hard to go a whole day
We're in a fight right now, of course
I reached out a few hours after
He hasn't responded to my calls 
Im not apologizing and reaching out
Because I think I'm wrong 
I'm reaching out because I love him 
I'm reaching out because I love him



We run a little wild 
You know skinny dipping 
Inside rainbows of pleasure 
A colorful mix of stubbornness 
How do we survive our own egos 
We do not, the ego kills creativity 
There are a million solutions 
Remember what you do best 
Always go back to what you love 
If I died tonight would I be content?
I'd be sad I wouldn't get to live 
I want to learn more about me 
So I keep threading the storms 
I'm owning up to my mistakes 
I'm not perfect but I'm kind 
I'm mean but I'm compassionate 
I love you and it's hard to hurt you