Friday, May 21, 2010


When you want to write and words come pouring out
And being accused is no longer a reason to justify my acts
I’m so patient, they can’t embrace it
What do I know ?
Why are they running?
What are they running from?
Farmed society
I’m charging ahead, make sure I see it all happening
Cause I want to win, I want to get to my dreams realized
I want to see my miracles carry out
I want to win!
God will give me anything
So I continue to pray for “my everything”
My words are real because they are me
My heart, my emotions, my eyes and how I interpret
They say I don’t work hard as a poet
I tell them I don’t try hard
“That’s how you die hard”
At ease with my spirit
I float free, no resistance!
The outdoors free me, lifts me
Lets picnic, bring some berries
I got my dog and a blanket
Where’s the field?
Meet me, I’ll wait for you
I’m patient



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