Thursday, July 15, 2010

All or Nothing Measures Even

Dwelling in a glorious kingdom
Where sharing grants glory
And spreads happiness as riches
All or nothing measures even

Ever wealthy, showered in peace
Abundant Patience
To calm and heal, senseless impulses
Perception, rich with doubts and fear
Perspective, biased, limited vision
All or nothing measures even

Lead by Freedom
My guide, to light and mentor reason
Guardian Parent and strict teacher
Watching each step without interference
All or nothing measures even

Wisdom felt, lived
Witnessed experiences
Earned through sea trenches
Maliciously depicted
All or nothing measures even

Gazing at a diamond and seeing poverty
Stripped mountains
Mother earth unbalanced
Enslaved bodies through steep ditches
Calloused hands and broken spirits
Digging, crawling, draining
Making a living
Providing luxury in exchange for existence
All or nothing measures even

Suppressed screams
Endured torture
Nameless corpses
Misleading media
Distorted revelations
Worlds hidden
All or nothing measures even

Split Concepts
Unheard, Unread, Unspoken
Knowledge indescribably known
Now ,Passed, Shared and Given
Lethal Risks embraced as missions
Unasked Sacrifices offered by selfless souls
Unmasked faces fighting for the unknown
All or nothing measures even

Life, mundane to the fallen
A blessing torment to a seer
And a Garden Forever in bloom
When seen through haloed eyes
All or nothing measures even

Faith in Truth,
Feeling, seeing, learning steadfastly
Forsaken obsolete knowledge
Give life to imagination
Truth in nature Never changes
All or nothing measures even

Flying high and reaching freedom
Freefalling home with wisdom
The little things are everything
We say we want
We say we need
To Live forever in peace
Yet, some do not strive to achieve
All or nothing measures even

Sharing one's heart
Beloved Pleasure in this experience
Gather, pile all gifts received
And compare it to the mountain you've given
All or nothing measures even

Pain and Sorrow, leaders of existence
Hurt and Happiness, coexistent
Escape Traditions
All or Nothing measures even

Amanda Miranda

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