Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I walked you out
I kissed you goodbye
I saw you walking away
How can you still be here
Inside me

I feel a quiet peace
A stillness in my mind
A calmness in my heart
Oblivious to the noise outside
My soul is still
My thoughts are you

My heart begins to beat again
I feel your absence
I'm aware of my loneliness
I guess this is what it feels
To fall
This is what it feels
To have half a heart

You're here
On my sweaty skin
On my smudged makeup
In my messy hair
And I can't get myself
To wash
To clean you off

My face warms to your touch
My skin glows when we kiss
My hair loves the pull of your hands

Your spirit enters my body
When you make love to me
I tremble, I melt in rapture

My flesh, my towels, my bed sheets
Everything smells like you
You're here
You're everywhere
You've touched
Everywhere we made love

You're here
You're in me
In my soul
In my heart
In my thoughts

I'm allowing
I'm welcoming
I'm surrendering

I'm loving
I'm loving
I'm loving again



  1. This such an emotional and sensual offering, Amanda. Personal, yet universal. I was entranced. ~ j

    1. Thank you, so glad you liked it. I was still spellbound when I wrote it.

  2. I first want to say that you are an amazing poet, you truly have a gift. My only suggestion/ request is that you do not limit your thoughts, feelings, and lyrics to what is inside of you. How you perceive your world of experiences can be told through any symbol of perception. I deeply desire to see your input on the world around us. Let me know your thoughts on this. I do not mean any harm in what I say, I simply desire to see you what else your talents can achieve.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate it. I believe I have poems like that, you just haven't read them : )


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